Featured collection
The MakeupRashaC Experience is more than a brand. Pictured here are products that will create that umphhh in your life! We have to take care of ourselves, so let’s start with looking good. These products will do just that!
The lashes in this photo are a bit unbalanced, but sometimes, we all are unbalanced. Balance your life by starting with these amazing lashes. Let’s fly together!
Wellness Corner
Identifying Triggers →
Self Care →
Who are we?
Hello! My name is Rasha. I am the founder of MakeupRashaC. Makeup started out as a get ready thing, then it became a passion. You know when GOD has a purpose on your life, He has a way of making sure you are aligned with His purpose. I created MakeupRashaC in the period of life where I wasn't sure if I would be alive to tell the story. Makeup became my outlet. It allowed me to escape the reality of the outside world, focus on glamming, while making myself feel better in the process. MakeupRashaC has become a way for me to bring awareness to mental health and self-care, while offering amazing services and products. I look forward to bringing you guys along with me on this journey! xoxo